Let Our Generator Pros Provide You With a No Obligation Quote
At Generator One, we have a wide range of towable backup generators which can range up to over 14KW of power. Regardless of the traveling requirements of your business, our towable Generac generators are the perfect power source for you when and where you need it most.
Available 24/7, Day or Night
Standby Generator Maintenance
Ranges from
to over 15,000 hours
It’s not uncommon for a standby generator to have a lifespan that ranges from 2,000 to over 15,000 hours.
Used as little as
hours each year
If you think about it, backup generators are typically used as little as 30 hours each year (based on typical 5-15 minute cycles each weak and assuming no outages during the year), but can be used as much as 100-300 hours per year depending on the number of outages.
Lifespan can last
Regardless, your backup generator should have a great lifespan that can last 20-30+ years!